MRP and ERP planning in production and trading companies
Accounting and budgeting in Microsoft Dynamics 365 (former Microsoft Dynamics AX)
business intelligence
Business intelligence using Microsoft Dynamics 365
Finance and cashflow forecast using Microsoft Dynamics 365
Our partners

Jurby WaterTech International –
a leading European engineering and technology company offering its clients secure superior solutions in the field of industrial and domestic / potable water purification and treatment.

ATFBank Joint Stock Company was founded in June 1995 when the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan registered Almaty Trade -Finance Bank CJSC. One of the greatest banks in Kazakhstan and has about 20 subsidiaries.

is known as the leading Russian and world-wide manufacturer of various transformer equipment being supplied for all industries including electric-power industry, metallurgy, machine building, transport, oil and gas complex, housing and utilities infrastructure. The first Russian transformer plant which had been founded in 1928 played a decuman role in industrialization of the country and development of domestic power industry. The equipment with ELEKTROZAVOD label is in safe operation in more than 60 countries of the world.
Training support for Microsoft Axapta implementation projects – a way to make the project cheaper.
“Amand” offers a new service-training support for projects on Microsoft Axapta (Microsoft Dynamics AX). At the moment, this is one of the cheapest and most effective ways to implement an ERP system on your own. Training support can also be provided to consulting companies that are just starting to work with Microsoft Axapta, or in the case of such companies expanding their implementation practices.
The service includes:
– identification of the client’s needs in training – focus, topics, contingent of students;
– completion of training programs or development of training courses “from scratch»;
– development of documentation, tests, thematic training plan and testing;
– conducting a series of trainings, evaluating the results.
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AMAND, Moscow city
Contact details:
Email — info@amand.ru
tel.+7 495 648 68 59